USB-Ports beim Raspberry Pi an- und ausschalten (deaktivieren)
Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich einen Beitrag veröffentlicht, wie Du mit einem Trick und einem externen USB-Hub die Stromzufuhr unter Linux kontrollieren kannst. Ich schalte damit ein Nachtlicht, das an meinem Server hängt. In einem Kommentar wurde geschrieben, dass ich mit hub-ctrl die Stromzufuhr der USB-Ports beim Raspberry Pi kontrollieren kann. Das hat mich neugierig gemacht. Die USB-Ports beim Raspberry Pi lassen sich schalten, aber nicht so, wie Du das vielleicht erwartest.
USB-Ports beim Raspberry Pi an- und ausschalten (deaktivieren)
Du kannst die USB-Ports bei einem Raspberry Pi aktivieren und deaktivieren. Allerdings gibt es eine Einschränkung, die Du wissen musst.jdo (BITblokes)
How to install Auto-GPT to your Raspberry Pi
We've been having great fun with ChatGPT/Auto-GPT here at The Pi Hut. Installing Auto-GPT on Raspberry Pi is easy and you can have your own autonomous AI assistant up and running in minutes!
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do just that!
How to install Auto-GPT to your Raspberry Pi
We've been having great fun with ChatGPT/Auto-GPT here at The Pi Hut. Installing Auto-GPT on Raspberry Pi is easy and you can have your own autonomous AI assistant up and running in minutes! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do just that! What is…The Pi Hut
Hilf mit, die OpenStreetMap-Karte zu vervollständigen – mit StreetComplete!
Diese App findet fehlende Kartendaten in deiner Nähe und zeigt diese als Aufgaben auf einer Karte an. Jede dieser Aufgaben kann vor Ort durch Beantwortung einer einfachen Frage gelöst werden.
Die von dir eingegebenen Informationen werden dann direkt in deinem Namen zu OpenStreetMap hinzugefügt, ohne einen weiteren Editor benutzen zu müssen.
Improves grub by adding "btrfs snapshots" to the grub menu.
You can boot your system on a "snapshot" from the grub menu.
Supports manual snapshots, snapper, timeshift ...
Warning: booting on read-only snapshots can be tricky
GitHub - Antynea/grub-btrfs: Include btrfs snapshots at boot options. (Grub menu)
Include btrfs snapshots at boot options. (Grub menu) - GitHub - Antynea/grub-btrfs: Include btrfs snapshots at boot options. (Grub menu)GitHub
Timeshift auto-snapshot script which runs before any apt update|install|remove command using a DPkg::Pre-Invoke hook in APT. Works best in BTRFS mode, but RSYNC is also supported (might be slow though).
GitHub - wmutschl/timeshift-autosnap-apt: Timeshift auto-snapshot script for Ubuntu and Debian based systems which creates snapshots of your system with timeshift before a package install, remove or upgrade using DPkg::Pre-Invoke hook in apt. Fork of time
Timeshift auto-snapshot script for Ubuntu and Debian based systems which creates snapshots of your system with timeshift before a package install, remove or upgrade using DPkg::Pre-Invoke hook in a...GitHub
-jonny- mag das.
RPi-Monitor is an application designed to perform real time monitoring embedded devices.
The development platform is a Raspberry Pi B.
RPi-Monitor provides a lot of feature such as Embedded Web server, Alert messaging, SNMP integration...
GitHub - XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor: Real time monitoring for embedded devices
Real time monitoring for embedded devices. Contribute to XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Rembg – background segmentation tool using machine learning
Rembg is a tool to remove the backgrounds from images. It’s written in Python and published under an open source license. It’s a versatile tool. It can be run from the command-line, and process a whole folder. It’s also possible to use it as a web server, as a shared library, and run as a Docker image.
The tool relies on the U2Net model, a machine learning model that performs object cropping in a single shot. Taking an image of a person, cat, etc. as input, it can compute an alpha value to separate the background from the panoramic view.
Rembg - background segmentation tool using machine learning - LinuxLinks
Rembg is a tool to remove the backgrounds from images. It's written in Python and published under an open source license.Erik Karlsson (LinuxLinks)
Free and Open Source Vulnerability Detection Tools
Security is paramount. Security involves defence in depth. Approaching security one step at a time, with consistency and rigour, you can mitigate threats, and keep intruders at bay.
Intruders use a variety of different techniques in an attempt to compromise a system. For example, systems can be attacked by denial of service, cracking, intrusion, snooping (intercepting the data of another user), or viruses/worms/Trojan horses. To have a secure box, a system therefore needs a variety of defences.
4 Best Free and Open Source Vulnerability Detection Tools - LinuxLinks
Vulnerability scanning is an essential activity for enterprise security. We recommend the best open source vulnerability detection tools.Steve Emms (LinuxLinks)
What Exodus Privacy does
εxodus - the Privacy Auditing Platform for Android Applications
εxodus analyses Android applications. It looks for embedded trackers and lists them. A tracker is a piece of software meant to collect data about you or what you do. In a way, εxodus reports are a way of knowing what really are the ingredients of the cake you are eating. εxodus does not decompile applications, its analysis technique is entirely legal.
Tracker und Berechtigungen anderer installierter Apps anzeigen
Exodus Privacy hilft Ihnen zu wissen, welche Tracker und Berechtigungen in Apps eingebettet sind, die auf Ihrem Gerät installiert sind.
Die App lädt Berichte von Exodus Privacy ( herunter und zeigt sie für jede App
Die App kann nur installierte Apps aus dem Google Play Store erkennen.
Als Antwort auf tom s • • •