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Firejail vs Apparmor for sandboxing Firefox

By default #Firefox has access to everything in your home directory
using #Firejail or #Apparmor we can sandbox Firefox to restrict its access to the file system

In this video i compare Firejail and Apparmors set up, configuration and
use and how each can prevent Firefox accessing parts of the file system

Apparmors Firefox profile restricts access to just the Downloads and Public folder but the #profile includes another file called user-files that allows full access to you home folder.

# app apparmor user-files

How to get magnets links for the transmission-daemon to work from within firejail by installing our script to send magnet links to transmission in /usr/local/bin and not ~/bin

I also cover how you can use Firejail and Apparmor to run an application in another network #namespace, so if you have a split vpn using #network namespaces you can sandbox firefox and set it to run in the #vpn network namespace
