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User:Sakaki/Sakaki's EFI Install Guide/Sandboxing the Firefox Browser with Firejail

What is the most #vulnerable #application on your desktop? For most users, it is the web browser, since — in the picturesque phrase of Nick Congleton — it is "a large and complex piece of software with the ability to execute code, and it accesses the open Internet and executes just about everything that it comes into contact with".[1] Whilst selective-execution plug-ins such as NoScript can (and should[2][3][4]) be used to mitigate this risk, they cannot entirely remove it.


Furthermore — hardening tools such as AppArmor notwithstanding — the very design of the #X11 display server underpinning most #Linux desktops means that a compromised application can easily log all keystrokes, capture images of the screen, and even inject key and mouse events into any other application running on the same display — and that's just when running as the regular user, without privilege escalation. As such, the consequence of even a modest compromise of the #webbrowser on your system can be devastating.

#x11 #firefox #linux #firejail
