Sandboxing Binary Software (Linux)
Mozilla #Firefox
#Tor Browser
Tor Browser (/home install)
The archive distributed by Tor project is structured as a self-contained system, similar to portable-apps on Windows. Unpack the archive in your home directory. If you install it in /opt as root, the browser won't run. The program will auto-update when a new version becomes available.
Download the latest archive from
Unpack the archive in your home directory
$ cd ~
$ tar -xvf tor-browser-linux64-8.5.1_en-US.tar.xz
Create a desktop file in ~/Desktop directory. This is the content of the file:
$ cat ~/Desktop/tor.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=firejail --private=~/tor-browser_en-US ./start-tor-browser.desktop
Replace username with your current user name on Icon line above.
directory acts as your new home directory inside the sandbox. To start the browser click on the new desktop icon.
#sandbox #firejail #linux #devuan #debian #firefox #tor #torbrowser
tor-browser-home-install" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Sandboxing Binary Software
Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox. Contribute to netblue30/firejail development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub