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Improves grub by adding "btrfs snapshots" to the grub menu.

You can boot your system on a "snapshot" from the grub menu.
Supports manual snapshots, snapper, timeshift ...

Warning: booting on read-only snapshots can be tricky


-jonny- hat dies geteilt.


Timeshift auto-snapshot script which runs before any apt update|install|remove command using a DPkg::Pre-Invoke hook in APT. Works best in BTRFS mode, but RSYNC is also supported (might be slow though).


Als Antwort auf tom s

Very cool, today I thought about reinstalling my mint because oft this...

Install Debian/Devuan with Encrypted BTRFS subvolumes!


WD My Cloud Home - Debian Installation

My Cloud Home bringt hauseigene WD-Software mit. Diese ist aber wohl seit diesem Jahr EOL. Eigentlich ist diese Box ziemlicher Cloud-Müll, weil es merkwürdige Apps braucht und zudem ein WD-Konto, ohne das man die Box nicht nutzen kann.

Geht aber auch anders: Selbst für einen Laien ist es gut machbar, ein Debian GNU/LInux auf die box zu packen und zudem auch OMV6 (Openmediavault). Dann ist das sogar eine ganz brauchbare NAS-Lösung.

Ein paar Eckdaten zu der Kiste:
System: Host: WDbox Kernel: 4.9.266 aarch64 bits: 64 Console: tty 0
Distro: Devuan GNU/Linux 4 (chimaera)
Machine: Type: ARM Device System: Realtek RTD1295 Giraffe Board details: N/A
CPU: Info: Quad Core model: N/A variant: cortex-a53 bits: 64 type: MCP
Speed: 1400 MHz min/max: 300/1400 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 1400 2: 1400 3: 1400 4: 1400
Network: IF-ID-1: eth0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex
Info: Memory: 732.3 MiB used: 114.9 MiB (15.7%) Init: SysVinit runlevel: 2 Shell: Bash
inxi: 3.3.01


Modern Unix


Install a ls command that shows file icons

There are several alternatives to the ls command, some of them you can find in this article .

And today we are going to get to know a new alternative that is written in Golang and its differential in relation to GNU Coreutils ls is that in addition to listing the files, it also displays the icons according to the mime-type .


GNU Linux Debian 11 – text to speech (text2speech) – read out text loud – listen to computer spoken text

instead of reading massively long passages of text (which can become tiresome fast)

it might be nice, to have the computer read out that text?

let’s do that 🙂
